
This is the reference document for Sweet.js. For a gentle explanation of Sweet’s concepts see the tutorial.

Command Line API

Binding Forms


syntax <name> = <init>

Bind <name> to the result of evaluating <init> in the compiletime environment. Scoping follows let (i.e. block scoped with a temporal dead zone).

If the result of evaluating <init> is a function, then the result is a syntax transformer.


syntaxrec <name> = <init>

Identical to the syntax form except that <name> is also bound inside of <init>. This enables recursive macro definitions.

Syntax Transformer

transformer : (TransformerContext) -> List(Syntax)

A syntax transformer is a function bound to a compile-time name. A syntax transformer is invoked with a transformer context that provides access to the syntax at the call-site and returns a list of syntax objects.

Transformer Context

A transformer context is an iterable object that provides access to syntax at the call-site of a syntax transformer.

TransformerContext = {
  name: () -> Syntax
  next: () -> {
    done: boolean,
    value: Syntax
  expand: (string) -> {
    done: boolean,
    value: Syntax
  mark: () -> Marker
  reset: (Marker?) -> undefined

Each call to next returns the syntax object following the transformer call.

A call to expand initiates expansion at the current state of the iterator and matches the specified grammar production. Matching is “greedy” so expand('expr') with the syntax 1 + 2 matches the entire binary expression rather than just 1. The following productions are accepted by expand:

The name() method returns the syntax object of the macro name at the macro invocation site. This is useful because it allows a macro transformer to get access to the lexical context at the invocation site.

A call to mark returns a pointer to the current state of the iterator.

Calling reset with no arguments returns the context to its initial state, while passing a Marker instance returns the context to the state pointed to by the marker.

syntax m = function (ctx) {

  const a =;;

  const marker = ctx.mark();

  const b =;
  return #`${a} + ${b} + 24`; // 30 + 42 + 24
m 30 + 42 + 66

Syntax Objects

Syntax objects represent the syntax from the source program. While syntax objects have internal structure, that structure is intentionally undocumented and subject to change (in fact, major change to syntax objects is planned for the next major version).

Introspection and manipulation functions are provided in the helpers library documented in the following section.


A library of helper functions for introspecting syntax objects is provided at '@sweet-js/helpers'. To use inside a macro definition, import for syntax.

import { isStringLiteral } from '@sweet-js/helpers' for syntax;

syntax m = ctx => {
  return isStringLiteral( ? #`'a string'` : #`'not a string'`;
m 'foo'
'a string'

The helper library contains the following kinds of functions:


unwrap(stx: any): {
  value?: string | number | List<Syntax>

In the case of a flat syntax object (i.e. not delimiters), unwrap returns an object with a single value property that holds the primitive representation of that piece of syntax (a string for string literals, keywords, and identifiers or a number for numeric literals).

For syntax objects that represent delimiters, unwrap returns an object who’s value property is a list of the syntax objects inside the delimiter.

For all other inputs unwrap returns the empty object.

import { unwrap } from '@sweet-js/helpers' for syntax;

syntax m = ctx => {
  let id =;
  let delim =;

  unwrap(id).value === 'foo';  // true
  let num = unwrap(delim).value.get(1);
  unwrap(num).value === 1;     // true
  // ...
m foo (1)


fromIdentifier(other: Syntax, s: string): Syntax

Create a new identifier syntax object named s using the lexical context from other.

import { fromIdentifier } from '@sweet-js/helpers' for syntax;

syntax m = ctx => {
  let dummy = #`dummy`.get(0);

  return #`${fromIdentifier(dummy, 'bar')}`;
m foo

Be careful which syntax object you use to create a new syntax object via fromIdentifier and related functions since the new object will share the original’s lexical context. In most cases you will want to create a “dummy” syntax object inside a macro definition and then use that as a base to create new objects. By using a dummy syntax object you are using the scope of the macro definition; usually the macro definition scope is what you want.

You may be tempted to reuse the syntax object provided by but resist that feeling! The syntax object comes from the macro call-site and so any syntax objects created from it will carry the lexical context of the call-site. Sometimes this is what you want, but most of the time this breaks hygiene!


fromNumber(other: Syntax, n: number): Syntax

Create a new numeric literal syntax object with the value n using the lexical context from other.

import { fromNumber } from '@sweet-js/helpers' for syntax;

syntax m = ctx => {
  let dummy = #`dummy`.get(0);

  return #`${fromNumber(dummy, 1)}`;


fromStringLiteral(other: Syntax, s: string): Syntax

Create a new string literal syntax object with the value s using the lexical context from other.

import { unwrap, fromStringLiteral } from '@sweet-js/helpers' for syntax;

syntax to_str = ctx => {
  let dummy = #`dummy`.get(0);
  let arg = unwrap(;
  return #`${fromStringLiteral(dummy, arg)}`;
to_str foo


fromPunctuator(other: Syntax, punc: string): Syntax

Creates a punctuator (e.g. +, ==, etc.) from its string representation punc using the lexical context from other.

import { fromPunctuator } from '@sweet-js/helpers' for syntax;

syntax m = ctx => {
  let dummy = #`dummy`.get(0);
  return #`1 ${fromPunctuator(dummy, '+')} 1`;
1 + 1


fromKeyword(other: Syntax, kwd: string): Syntax

Create a new keyword syntax object with the value kwd using the lexical context from other.

syntax m = ctx => {
  let dummy = #`dummy`.get(0);
  return #`${fromKeyword(dummy, 'let')} x = 1`;
let x = 1


fromBraces(other: Syntax, inner: List<Syntax>): Syntax

Creates a curly brace delimiter with inner syntax objects inner using the lexical context from other.

import { fromBraces } from '@sweet-js/helpers' for syntax;

syntax m = ctx => {
  let dummy = #`dummy`.get(0);
  let block = #`let x = 1;`;
  return #`${fromBraces(dummy, block)}`;
  let x = 1;


fromBrackets(other: Syntax, inner: List<Syntax>): Syntax

Creates a bracket delimiter with inner syntax objects inner using the lexical context from other.

syntax m = ctx => {
  let dummy = #`dummy`.get(0);
  let elements = #`1, 2, 3`;
  return #`${fromBrackets(dummy, elements)}`;
[1, 2, 3]


fromParens(other: Syntax, inner: List<Syntax>): Syntax

creates a paren delimiter with inner syntax objects inner using the lexical context from other.

import { fromParens } from '@sweet-js/helpers' for syntax;

syntax m = ctx => {
  let dummy = #`dummy`.get(0);
  let expr = #`5 * 5`;
  return #`1 + ${fromParens(dummy, expr)}`;
1 + (5 * 5)


``js isIdentifier(s: Syntax): boolean

Returns true if the syntax object is an identifier.

## isNumericLiteral

isNumericLiteral(s: Syntax): boolean

Returns true if the syntax object is a numeric literal.


isStringLiteral(s: Syntax): boolean

Returns true if the syntax object is a string literal.


isKeyword(s: Syntax): boolean

Returns true if the syntax object is a keyword.


isPunctuator(s: Syntax): boolean

Returns true if the syntax object is a puncuator.


isTemplate(s: Syntax): boolean

Returns true if the syntax object is a template literal.


isSyntaxTemplate(s: Syntax): boolean

Returns true if the syntax object is a syntax template literal.


isParens(s: Syntax): boolean

Returns true if the syntax object is a parenthesis delimiter (e.g. ( ... )).


isBrackets(s: Syntax): boolean

Returns true if the syntax object is a bracket delimiter (e.g. [ ... ]).


isBraces(s: Syntax): boolean

Returns true if the syntax object is a braces delimiter (e.g. { ... }).

Syntax Templates

Syntax templates construct a list of syntax objects from a literal representation using backtick. They are similar to ES2015 templates but with the special sweet.js specific # template tag.

Syntax templates support interpolations just like normal templates via ${...}:

syntax m = function (ctx) {
  return #`${} + 24`;
m 42

The expressions inside an interpolation must evaluate to a syntax object, an array, a list, or an transformer context.